Friday, February 27, 2015

the story of galaxy k9 part 1

The story of Galaxy K9 

Galaxy K9 can look at a villain and see their identity. She can also teleport and she has a chip in his eye to see a screen but no one  can see it. She is a air bender and fire also water  she almost have all of the superpowers she just need to kill the master of all super powers . She can love someone only if he has the same powers. her hair was purple with a blue lightning strike on the size of her hire. She has black suit her skin color is green  her shoe’s are green her side kick is her 10 year old brother and his name is called laser crawl he can shoot laser from his hands eye he can shoot them any where.

She can be angry at her brother sometimes because he doesn't listen all the time she is nice if he does the job that she told him to do and if he listens to his job. She has a sister that was not born yet and one that was not born with super power at all but she a smart kid for a 2 year old  she is smarter than my brother laser crawl. She has a baby boy on the way. Their parents are too old and weak for kick butts.

part two will be here soon!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

swimming day

Wow 2 weeks ago, we did a swimming fun day. We had a lot of activities like us racing with a spoon and a egg. I am in TUI . It was a hot day but we were cold some of the day. We were doing it for our house points.
by Keighan

Friday, February 13, 2015

super hero

we have be learning  about super hero this 2 weeks
we are been  drawing super hero and writing this is Keighan super hero 
by Keighan Hikawai

Thursday, February 5, 2015

helping hands

Wow Mrs Plimmer showed us to make some great helping hands.
hop you like this. Here are some tips.
1. Colours  cold and warm
2. draw your hand
3.Warm Colours on the fingers and cold on the palm

By Keighan Hikawai