Hi I have done a narrative. I put my hard work into this. I am proud of my work because I put my best effort into this. I did this to show what I can do with a device and how I can work hard.
The Horse Sports
“Kate get ready for school! Kate now!”
Kate got ready. She was at school. Kate went to Kura Kaupapa high school. It was a normal day. Kate and her friend Te Aroha were talking about the horse sports as normal. Then there was a mean boy called Karty. He would beat Kate at barrel racing but she could beat him at everything else, especially polocrosse.
The next day it was three more days from the horse sports. Everyone was talking about it. It was still a great day because Kate got to go and open a horse and to get to see her horse Coco. She had the fastest barrel time race until Karty beat it. But she had the courage and determination to try to beat his time.
His time was One minute and 15 seconds.
The Race
It was the big day. Kate chose Coco as always. For her open horse, I chose Snowflake. We had to get up at 5.00 am in the morning.
It was cold like ice. The first event was apple dunking. Then it was barrel racing. It was the last event. Kate had won all the events so far.
This was her moment to beat Karty.
“On your marks, get set, go!”
We were off and the pressure is on.
Kate was in the lead. Then Karty run into her. She fell off Coco! She dislocated her shoulder but she beat Karty’s time. It was one minute. Kate had achieved her goal. “It is not about winning and losing, it’s about having fun.”
The prize giving
Unfortunately Kate had to get rushed to the hospital.
But she knew that she got the best time in the world.
She had to stay in the hospital, but she had achieved her goal.
6 years later
Kate still holds the record for barrel racing.
By Keighan Hikawai