I have been working on my art plan. This is for my art that I am going to do for the art gallery in the hall at Parkvale school.
I chose this because I am proud of it and I worked hard on it to get it fished.
I am proud of this because I was working so hard on it.
Art Plan
Name: Keighan
Later in the term, the whole school is taking part in a visual arts exhibition. You will have to make your own piece of visual art.
Success Criteria of the art
- No larger than A3
- Must be super high quality (your absolute personal best)
- Must be a type of visual art
- Must be aesthetically pleasing (it has to look good)
- It must challenge you (aim high)
There is an example of how to do Task 2 on the wall.
Task 1
Discuss with your learning buddy about all of the different types of visual art (there are lots!).
Write 3 of them below.
- sketching
- paiting
- sculpture
Task 2- Your plan
Please insert a picture of what your completed art will look like. (It will be either: an image from the internet, a google drawing or a rough draft).
Write a list of materials you will need.
If a material is not in the classroom, include how you will get it.
Write a list of steps to take
- Dark red colouring in pencil
- Orange colouring in pencil
- Pencil
- Light red colouring in pencil
- White paint
- Rubber
- A3 paper
- Dark red paint
- Red paint
- Orange paint
- A bowl
- Paint brush thin one
- Grab your tools
- Then you start to draw with your pencil circle for the netball shape use the bowl to get the shape in the middle of the page.
- Once you have done that start to draw the Lines with the pencil there are three lines on each side but just put it on the front there are flames on the ball so make sure you take your time on that part.
- When you have done that start to do the flames get your pencil you can do the flames anywhere if you like take your time.
- Now we are going to do the colouring lets start of with the ball you can use any colours but we are going to use red with your red colour pencil we are going to draw around the lines so we can still see the lines
- When you have done that we are going to colour in the orange flames first make sore you do not go out of the lines.
- Now the red flames colour it in with the red colouring in pencil.
- Lets get started on the dark red this will take a long time if you want it perfect use the dark red colouring pencil.
- Once you have done that we are going to paint over the lines inside the ball with white paint when that is done wait for it to dry.
- Now we are going around the flames first it is red get the red paint and go around the red flames just those flames then let it dry.
- now the orange flames do the same that you did to the the red paint go around the orange flames with orange paint then let it dry
- when you have let the paint dry now you are going to paint around the dark red with dark red paint let that dry then you are finished.
The paint was just for nice and bold.
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