Okay guy's
I am going to be listing some of my fav you tubers.
1. Lance Stewart
2. Tanner Fox
3. Bratayley
4. Funk Bros
So go and see them.
Comment down below witch channel you liked best.
Monday, December 19, 2016
Monday, November 7, 2016
My Writing, Comparing and contrasting
What is up,
A cougar and a Lioness are very similar but not Identical.
Thanks for reading, please leave a comment.
So today I will be sharing my comparing and contrasting. The two animals I picked are a Cougar and Lioness.
I am sharing this with you because I did to my personal best. I am proud of this because it I enjoyed searching up facts and putting them into a essay.
Here is my writing
Essay Success Criteria
- Uses scientific vocabulary
- Revised and edited
- Accurate paragraphs with subheadings
- Essay structure followed
- No personal pronouns
- Factual
- Detailed ideas
- Sentences- different lengths and beginnings
- Optional personal goal
Comparing Cougar and Lioness
In some ways Cougar and Lioness are very similar, but they are still different to one another. You may think that they are very similar but in fact they have there own unique qualities.
The Cougar and a Lioness are very similar. They both kill large herbivores and digest meat. ( eats meat) They eat deer and other kinds of animals. They both hunt in groups but the lioness hunt in larger groups. Alos they hunt the same way by locking their jaws around the necks of their prey and claws and they both put them in a death lock.
Not only that, they are very similar to one another in other ways too. Here Is one fact: they have the same fur colour. The colour’s name is sandy brown. They don’t have hair like humans, they have fur.
Both Cat’s give birth to their young, and there cub’s feed from their mother's milk. These Cat’s normally give birth up to four cubs. Both cat’s give birth to their young around the same age.
This animal lives in the savannah, in prides. There is a larger group of females in the pride. But not only that this animal is very Iconic of all the cats in it’s pride. This animal is jungle royalty to the jungle animals. Hunting, this is what is the weird part because the females are the ones that go hunting while the male lions look after the cubs.
They can come into heat at any time in the day. When they are going to have birth they move away from the pride and then give. They go back to the pride after 4 days that the cubs or cub has been born.
This animal is also known as a mountain lion, Puma and Cougar. The Cougar is found mostly in the american habitat, Here is one interesting fact is that a Cougar Has the loudest purr. Hiking they hike in small groups in hunting. Also these animals are very energetic because they can leap up to up to 30 feet.
This cat is the second largest cat after the tiger there weight is up to 70 and 150 pounds.
And the cougar height is up to 60-90cm up to shoulder for a adult. The female length of 2 meters and a male is up to 2.4 meters.
Thanks for reading, please leave a comment.
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Hi welcome back to blog today mine is going to be about P.E, my favourite subject.
I am blogging this to you, not that I have to but I would like to.
I am proud of this because I but a lot of work into it. Jump
I am blogging this to you, not that I have to but I would like to.
I am proud of this because I but a lot of work into it. Jump
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
My art work
What's up guys,?
So today this post is going to be about one of my favorite subjects ART (yay!). So since you know what I am showing you today, I am going to talk a bit about it. In class we had to pick which art skill you are kinda not good at it so I picked sketching. When we got to do sketching we started off using different angles on your pencil in the box to learn to shade. The next's day we got to really sketch. We had to do a practice and then our real art.
I am proud of this because I worked really hard on it And I enjoyed doing it.
I am sharing this to you because it was fun and not becasue I had to.
Here is my masterpiece.
So today this post is going to be about one of my favorite subjects ART (yay!). So since you know what I am showing you today, I am going to talk a bit about it. In class we had to pick which art skill you are kinda not good at it so I picked sketching. When we got to do sketching we started off using different angles on your pencil in the box to learn to shade. The next's day we got to really sketch. We had to do a practice and then our real art.
I am proud of this because I worked really hard on it And I enjoyed doing it.
I am sharing this to you because it was fun and not becasue I had to.
Here is my masterpiece.
Friday, October 21, 2016
Hey guys,
For today I will be showing my maths working out skills. This is when Mr M gives us a problem to work out in our books. At the end he goes over it with the group. We are working on how to actually solve the problem- what process or strategy to use. I am proud of this of this because I enjoy doing maths even if it is not one of my favorite topics. I am sharing this with you because I am proud of it.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Project based Learning
Hi guys,
For my blog post for today I will be showing you my PBL sort for Project base Learning.
For my project I was doing it about the women's rugby 7's team I did a interview with other people of them acting as people in the team.
Sean Horan the coach was Rory/Cameron
Sarah Goss was Deagan
Ruby Tui was Mich
Poach woodfoud as Amos
Here is my Interview
Here is my description video
Here is my PBL reflection
For my blog post for today I will be showing you my PBL sort for Project base Learning.
For my project I was doing it about the women's rugby 7's team I did a interview with other people of them acting as people in the team.
Sean Horan the coach was Rory/Cameron
Sarah Goss was Deagan
Ruby Tui was Mich
Poach woodfoud as Amos
Here is my Interview
Here is my description video
Here is my PBL reflection
Project Topic: Women's Rugby 7’s team
Photo/Screenshot of Project (insert below)
Finish these starters:
- Something I enjoyed about my project was writing down my script and filming it because I really enjoyed it
- The most challenging thing about my project was Finding people that would be in my script, because I needed people that fitted the part
- The main skill I got better at was putting the script together I got better at it by Trying hard and it is one of my best script.
- Something interesting I learnt was that Sarah Goss was my cousin
- What I would most like to change about my project is having more time to make a model because I haven't done that before in my projects
- I would like to do my next PBL about Models
Choose three learning muscles and explain how you used them during your PBL.
Absorption - when I was filming I was really absorbed because I was really concentrating to get the task done
Manage distractions - when we were filming the boys were being silly but I ignored it and got it done
Revising - when I was reading my script I noticed It did not make sense so I fixed it up
Create a Description of Your Project
At the beginning of my project I was going to be doing a model when it got closer to the end I ended up doing a interview. Because there would not be able to get it done but it went for a longer period of time.
My Description video
This is my Video about the women’s rugby team that went to the olympics. I interview the coach and some of the players. They will get asked questions and they will answer. I had to find out facts about the women's Rugby 7’s.
My Video Friday, September 16, 2016
Calendar art
Come and get your amazing Calendar art work it is featured at Parkvale school in Rimu hub.
Not only that you can get cards, Diaries and Kids notepad, It is perfect for Christmas prezzies.
The artist of this is amazing and she is called Keighan Hikawai, year 6 for Parkvale school.
I am blogging this to you because I want people to buy my art.
Here is my amazing and beautiful art work.
Look at those prices.
Not only that the cards come in a back of 8
Come and get your amazing Calendar art work it is featured at Parkvale school in Rimu hub.
Not only that you can get cards, Diaries and Kids notepad, It is perfect for Christmas prezzies.
The artist of this is amazing and she is called Keighan Hikawai, year 6 for Parkvale school.
I am blogging this to you because I want people to buy my art.
Here is my amazing and beautiful art work.
Look at those prices.
Not only that the cards come in a back of 8
Sunday, September 11, 2016
My Colour Poem
Colour Poem
Hi ,PepsFor one of my Task I had to do a colour poem my colour I chose was purple.
I am proud of this because I really tried hard to think of things that were purple.
I am shearing this to you because I enjoyed doing it.
WALT to use descriptive language to help create an image (picture) in our reader's head
Success Criteria
- Use adjectives to describe the noun
- Use adverbs to describe the verb (describe how the action is happening)
- Use a range of verbs to explain what is happening
- Use a range of nouns that help us identify with a colour
Black is the Colour of…….
- A wicked witch zooming dangerously from castle to castle in search of potions
- A lazy cat waiting patiently by the roaring fire for its night-time feed
- A majestic panther stalking its prey tactfully through the dense forest
- A piece of licorice inviting me to sneak it from the brightly coloured box
Red is the colour of ……..
- Slippery lipstick running down my face
- A bright red Ferrari zooming fast in the race
- Blood running down my foot, puddling on the ground
- A rotten strawberry smelling like cheese
- The sweet juicy raspberry dripping from my mouth as I bite into it
- A juicy watermelon inviting me to chomp on it
- The courageous vampire biting into a man’s fresh skin squirting blood
Purple is the colour ……
- Juicy Grapes growing gracefully
- Flash Purple shoes flashing brightly past my face
- As the Purple crystals sparkling in my hand quickly
- As the egg plant slowly moves into my mouth the flavor collides with my mouth
- As my purple head band smooths my hair out so I can see, It stays on firmly
- As the purple nail polish make it ways slowly to my nails
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Hi guys,
Today I will be talking about robotics; robotics is about building robots and able to move the robots.
I am sharing this with you because it was really fun for me to do, I am loving doing robotics this is only the start.
Here is some photos of us building our robot and making it able to move around.
Me and Liske trying to fingering out the I pad
Me and Kayden making our robot
Today I will be talking about robotics; robotics is about building robots and able to move the robots.
I am sharing this with you because it was really fun for me to do, I am loving doing robotics this is only the start.
Here is some photos of us building our robot and making it able to move around.
Me and Liske trying to fingering out the I pad
Me and Kayden making our robot
Us listing o Scott
Video of us racing our robot
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Zendaya Writing
Hi Guys,
This is my writing of Zendaya I had to do her because it was for our Literacy. I am very proud of my writing. It took some time to get it perfect put I still think I could do better. Also I have done a video so after you read this, you can scroll and then you will be able to see my video.
Here is my feed back from Mr Moriarty.
Well-structured letter. Just read through for spelling and punctuation.
Well done
Great use of a quote :)
Put a punctuation here.
Good introduction, Keighan.
Dear Zendaya
This is my writing of Zendaya I had to do her because it was for our Literacy. I am very proud of my writing. It took some time to get it perfect put I still think I could do better. Also I have done a video so after you read this, you can scroll and then you will be able to see my video.
Here is my feed back from Mr Moriarty.
Well-structured letter. Just read through for spelling and punctuation.
Well done
Great use of a quote :)
Put a punctuation here.
Good introduction, Keighan.
Dear Zendaya
My name is Keighan and I am just turning 11. I live in Hastings New Zealand. You are really awesome and fun to watch, I am your biggest fan.
I have been your biggest fan since Shake it up I still love watching your programs especially K.c undercover. The first program I saw you in is Shake it up. I am a big fan of you and Disney channel
you are such an awesome actress to me an other people. I love you as an actress, you are beautiful in different ways.
Your amazing dancing inspired me to do dance club it makes me happy and also it is fun to do. It always encourages me to be myself I enjoy watching you dance on shake it up. Your amazing acting skills are awesome, you fit all the parts really well.
I really connected when you starred in Zapped. I liked how it when people underestimate you, you stood up and that’s what I like about you. I think that you are awesome to watch and zapped was an emotional movie. I have a lot of respect for you as you are someone I look up to. What you did as a actress in your performances on Zapped was amazing, especially the ardey amaze it was so extreme. It allowed me to think big. The characters you play are amazing I love your films. It’s like you are a different person in each film. You're dancing is truly out there and fun. I love your quote ‘’ Believe in yourself’’.
I would really appreciate if you send an email or autograph, to me if you don’t have time I will understand you will probably be so busy with your schedule if you get time I will be glad if you read it. Thank you for your amazing acting. Thank you for reading my letter please send an email or a order graph I will leave my Info down below. Best luck in the future.
Sincerely, Keighan
Self-Reflection questions for reports
Hello people that are reading my blog right now you are in for your time of your life I am going to be talk about my school reflection so buckle your eyes on to the words to find out the things I like about Parkvale and rimu hub.
I am sharing this with you because this is the best reflection I have done.
I am proud of it because I got a really good comment on it from one of my teachers. Look down here to see the comment.
Fantastic reflecting on this Keighan. I am so proud of the learner you have become and the way you are stepping up as a leader this year. Great!
Hello people that are reading my blog right now you are in for your time of your life I am going to be talk about my school reflection so buckle your eyes on to the words to find out the things I like about Parkvale and rimu hub.
I am sharing this with you because this is the best reflection I have done.
I am proud of it because I got a really good comment on it from one of my teachers. Look down here to see the comment.
Fantastic reflecting on this Keighan. I am so proud of the learner you have become and the way you are stepping up as a leader this year. Great!
Please answer 6 of these questions in as much detail as possible. Be careful of your writing as this will go on your report. Delete the other questions.
- What has been your highlight of the year so far? It is getting to be in rimu again because last year I enjoyed being in a learning Environment. Also getting to be in rimu for my last year of primary.
- What is your favorite thing about being in Rimu hub? Having extra teacher to go to for help.
- What are you like as a learning buddy? I think I am helpful I give help and I go and get help from.
- What is your biggest achievement this year and why? My biggest achievement is getting Three badges because I have work hard for them.
- What is it like so far in Rimu Hub? It is awesome to be in rimu not just because I’ve been in rimu for two years it’s because of the learning that goes around and I think I am going well in rimu.
- What is you your favorite learning space and why? My Favorite learning space is the big room I think I work hard in that space.
My favourite thing about Rimu hub is having an extra teacher to go to for help. As a learning buddy, I think I am helpful. I give help and I go and get help from others if I need it. My biggest achievement is getting my three badges because I have worked hard for them. It is awesome to be in Rimu, not just because I’ve been in Rimu for two years- it’s because of the learning that goes around and I think I am going well in Rimu. My favorite learning space is the big room. I think I work hard in that space and I like the collaborating we can do.
July Holidays
Hi guys,
I have just got back from my amazing holiday. I went to a lot of places and I am going to tell you all about. I might put some pictures for you to look at.
My favorite part of my holidays is going to Elsthorpe to see all my family. I saw aunts, uncles and cousins. I spent the night at Saph's (My cousins) house. The next morning we went to my aunty Horoure's house to have breakfast. We had lamb tails. If you did not want to have lamb tails, you could have bacon and scrambled eggs. I shared a lamb tail with my sister, then ate some scrambled eggs and bacon (mmm).
I got a brand new scooter for my birthday. I have a blue and gold scooter from Hustle.
Also in the holidays I went to the skate park to ride on it. Bailee my sister is getting a new scooter from Hustle as well. I enjoyed going to the stake park. I learnt how to do a lot of things and I saw Mrs Love and Jono there too.
I had done things that were awesome in the holidays and meet some new family members that I did not know about. I had a awesome time in the holiday and I hope you guys did. Thanks for reading my blog post scroll down to see more of my posts.
I am going to give a congrats for my cousin Sarah Goss, she is going to the Olympics for women's rugby sevens team as there captain.
Here is a photo of her.
Sarah Goss
I have just got back from my amazing holiday. I went to a lot of places and I am going to tell you all about. I might put some pictures for you to look at.
My favorite part of my holidays is going to Elsthorpe to see all my family. I saw aunts, uncles and cousins. I spent the night at Saph's (My cousins) house. The next morning we went to my aunty Horoure's house to have breakfast. We had lamb tails. If you did not want to have lamb tails, you could have bacon and scrambled eggs. I shared a lamb tail with my sister, then ate some scrambled eggs and bacon (mmm).
I got a brand new scooter for my birthday. I have a blue and gold scooter from Hustle.
Also in the holidays I went to the skate park to ride on it. Bailee my sister is getting a new scooter from Hustle as well. I enjoyed going to the stake park. I learnt how to do a lot of things and I saw Mrs Love and Jono there too.
I had done things that were awesome in the holidays and meet some new family members that I did not know about. I had a awesome time in the holiday and I hope you guys did. Thanks for reading my blog post scroll down to see more of my posts.
I am going to give a congrats for my cousin Sarah Goss, she is going to the Olympics for women's rugby sevens team as there captain.
Here is a photo of her.

Thursday, July 7, 2016
Passion project
Hi guys I am sharing my passion project with you because not only do I have to share it, it's because I want to. I am proud of my learning experiences. In the long period of time, it was really fun to do. I was sewing a blanket. I enjoyed doing things I have not done before. It was fun using the sewing machine. My teacher I did it with was Mrs Carr. She knew a lot about the sewing machine and about sewing as well . When I was stuck she helped me. Unfortunately I did not get my blanket finished because some times I was not there, I was probably busy with sports. I am going to finish it off at my Nan's.
Thanks please scroll down to see what I have done
Thanks please scroll down to see what I have done
These are my steps for my passion project It took a long time to get my steps done.
What do I need to get started?
1.To size up the two big fluffy blankets cut 5cm long stripes at the same time
2.Then put on the patterns one by one
3. When finished putting on the patterned pieces
4. Do some touch ups then you are done
5. Then show the class in person
This is my dairy check I had to write down what I was going to do on the day .
May 11- answering questions
What do you need?
What is it going to look like?
How do I start?
May 12- starting my cheek
June the 8th -
I hope I have no problems with my blanket and
I am pinning my patches on my blanket.
I hope I get all my patches pinned on my blanket.
Today My challenge is to complete my blanket also some sewing
and to use my managing distractions learning muscle.
June the 9th-
I am going to complete the things that I did not complete yesterday.
June the 10th-
I am going to be pinning my blanket until it’s finished.
June the 15
Using the sewing machine to sew my blanket
June the 23
I am not up to date so I am sewing but I think i'm going to make a mistake. I think I might clog up the machine because it’s happened before. My challenge is to get at least half of my blanket done. I am on the sewing machine first and I don’t need anyone to help me. I am up to sewing my patches.
This is my passion project reflection.
This is my passion project reflection.
Passion Projects Reflection
Please answer all of the following questions
Describe your passion project. What was your learning in it? What were you trying to do?
I learnt to use a sewing machine and I was trying to make a blanket.
How far did you get with your passion project? What would have helped you to get further?
I was up to sewing my blanket and getting more time on the sewing machine.
What was the most challenging part of your passion project?
Pining my patches to my blanket.
What was surprising about your passion project?
How long it took for my pining.
Did you follow your plan well? Why or why not?
I did not because I did not get finished and I took my time for it to be perfect.
Which learning muscles did you use the most while you were working on your passion project? How did you use each one?
Absorption muscle because I got stuck into my work really well.
Which learning muscles did you find difficult to stretch during passion project time?
Noticing because I did not see when I sewed off the blanket.
Include a picture/embedded link to your passion project?
If you were allowed to pick a new passion project, what would you choose and why?
Art because I have never done an awesome piece of art.
What was your favourite part of passion projects?
Using the sewing machine.
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